Just cause 3 console commands
Just cause 3 console commands

just cause 3 console commands

Add a new line at the bottom of the document and paste in "DBGConsoleOn=true."

  • Right-click on the 'general.ini' file and open it with Notepad.
  • Navigate through the 'bin' folder, into the 'config' folder, then finally the 'base' folder.
  • Click on the 'Local Files' tab, then click 'Browse Local Files.' Select the 'Properties' option from the menu.
  • To do this with a Steam copy of the game, open Steam and right-click on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in your game library.
  • just cause 3 console commands

    The first step towards unstoppable power is enabling The Witcher 3's debug console to allow access to cheats.

    Just cause 3 console commands